Thursday, 6 February 2014

Atrocities of TRAI

Dei TRAI, you spend majority of time regulating useless things and not focusing on what is useful for the citizens. Not sure what is your motive, to help the citizens or to help MNCs. Day by day your atrocities are becoming too much and unbearable. Let me start one by one. First, you said ‘everyone who needs a pre-paid sim should submit identity proof and a photograph’, the reason you gave is to prevent sim cards being misused by terrorists and miscreants.

Dei anyone with a common sense would know that if the terrorist is able to get hold of a A.K.47 and a bomb, they would face no problem in getting a ration card Xerox or passport photo! I don’t know how you decided having a photocopy of ration card will help combat terrorism! You started this stupidity and now everywhere we go they ask for a Passport photo and a ID proof. For travelling in a train we show the ID, for browsing internet in a net cafe we show the ID however for buying alcohol or cigarettes no one asks for an ID!

Second, you restricted the no.of SMSs to 100/day even if we pay for the SMS booster. Any message that is sent beyond the 100 messages will be charged as per normal rates. The reason you gave is to prevent companies from sending unsolicited marketing messages and terrorism. Don’t you have any common sense when issuing such circulars? If you want to restrict marketing messages you should be regulating the companies, not the poor guy who is chatting with his girlfriend/s. After 100 SMS limit, he is forced to end the conversation!

And how on earth do you think 100sms/day limit would stop terrorism? As in, “Yolo, we are planning to bomb Poonam Pandey’s home”
“Ya bro, that sounds cool. When?”
“Ouch man, my SMS limit is over. We should continue this discussion tomorrow”

Your biggest atrocity was when you reduced the SMS limit to just 5 per day. Many guys decided ‘if I receive all 5 SMSs from her, I’m gonna marry her’. I don’t know if the 100 SMS limit has reduced spam messages or terrorism, but what it has definitely reduced is the no.of forward msgs or jokes we used to receive every day. In fact you have killed the forward SMS totally. But do you guys not know of the existence of Whatsapp/Viber/We Chat? If someone is serious about causing violence or unrest, surely they know of better ways to spread the news than age old SMS?

Why don’t you expedite some of the more pressing issues like No.portability and cutting down roaming charges across India? There are not many countries in the world where people are charged a premium rate for going to another state. Many relationships have broken down because the boy/girl got a job in another state! Just because the P.M of this country doesn't speak much, doesn’t mean we also don’t like speaking. 

You give licenses for different circles but the politicians only are circling around Swiss bank with spectrum money. Non sense it is, you and your useless regulations!